20 Dollar Chef - Stuff Chops & Labatt Blue

Today on 20 Dollar Chef, I'm going in on some stuffed pork chops and drinking Labatt Blue. This recipe easily falls under budget as pork chops are like $5.99 / $6.99 a lb. Grab some fat ass pork chops, some cream cheese, some shredded cheddar, and some jalapeño and lets get cooking.  Whats important here is washing these delicious stuffed chops down with an ice cold Labatt Blue! 

In a bowl, mix the cheeses, the chopped jalapeño, the garlic salt n pepper, and the fresh garlic. Slice a nice little pocket into your chops and stuff them shits. Cook 5 or 7 mins per side. It may get a bit messy as some cheese will melt. Make sure to stuff tightly and you're good to go! 

Tell your friends to bring the sides, you got the chops and Labatt Blue! 


- Thick ass Pork chops ( Boneless)

- Cream cheese

- Shredded cheddar

- A couple Jalapeños

- Pepper

- Garlic salt 

- Fresh garlic

- Ice cold Labatt Blue 

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